Dear Parents
We know these are very unusual times but we are still here to support your child and you.
We will be sending work home on a weekly basis for your child to complete at home. Work will normally be sent out at the beginning of the week for your child to complete by the end of the week.
We would like to see some evidence of completed work and ask that you take photos and email them to us when possible. Maybe a weekly email, at the end of the week, with an update from parents letting us know how the children have managed. Please also let us know of any other fun activities that you would like to share. We promise to try and send some feedback on completed activities and some guidance for future activities.
We will look at sending a bank of phonics, maths, writing and topic activities weekly. There will be additional activities to complete which will be linked to learning and other suggestions on what you can do. We are still following our topics that we had outlined for this part of the school year. Children who were in on Friday 20th received a work book to use as a diary. We would be grateful if children could add work to these on a regular basis – this can be drawing, writing – anything you feel is a reflection on what they are doing. We know their experiences are limited and this is not meant to be a diary in the terms of where they have been etc but more somewhere they can have a go at writing and maybe share anything they have done. Apologies for those children who do not have them – we are now unable to get them to you – a note book or paper will be equally sufficient!
The email is also a way for you to keep in touch with us and ask any questions that you might have – we will do our best to answer them.
We are looking at useful information to add on the website and we ask for your patience while we do so – this is all new for us too!
We are very conscious that everyone’s situation is different and we will take this into account. We are in the middle of an overwhelming situation and this isn’t meant to add additional stresses! If you are unable to print – we will try to keep this to a minimum, please just work on paper. For most activities the writing and answers to maths work can be completed on paper using any sheets we email as a guideline.
As we have said previously we spend sections of our days in Early Years learning through play based activities. These are still to be encouraged. Talk to your children about what they like to do at school and see what you have at home that they can use. Collect up the empty boxes so they can build their own creations from them! We are NOT expecting parents to go out and spend a load of money on resources and equipment! Apologies for such a lengthy letter – we are trying to share as much with you as we can to support you all! Anything that you do not understand – please email.
The most important thing is to enjoy this time with your children – they are special and we miss them!
Stay safe and stay well, happy learning!!!
Mrs Boddington and Mrs Hassan