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The School Day

The school day starts at 8.45pm prompt. Gates are open from 8.35am.

The school day ends at 3.10pm.


Arrivals and departures

Parents and carers should take their child to their classroom door at 8.35am and wait for an adult to welcome them in. Parents / carers should wait with their children until they are welcomed into the classroom and are responsible for supervising their child until they go into school.  Registers open at 8.35am until 8.45am. All pupils are expected to be in school at this time. after this time children must be signed in at the School Office. 


At the end of the school day children are released one at a time to their adults. We ask all parents/carers to identify their adults collecting their child from school using a password system. this could include both family and friends. If you are going to be late collecting please telephone the School Office. 

Early Birds

At Priory Common School we encourage everyone to be on time.  Our registration closes at 8:45am and learning starts straight away. 


To make getting to school on time more fun, we introduced our nest of early birds.  If everyone in class arrives on time, they take a baby bird from the nest and look after it in class all day.  If one or more children are late the baby bird stays with mummy in the nest - then mummy gets no rest.



Research clearly demonstrates the link between regular attendance and educational progress and attainment. We are committed to encouraging and supporting parents and carers in ensuring their children achieve maximum possible attendance and that any problems that prevent this are identified and acted on promptly. If attendance drops below 95% it will be closely monitored.  You must notify the school on your child's first day of absence by leaving a message on the answerphone or speaking to the School Office.


If your child has been physically sick they should remain at home for 48 hours from the last time they were sick. This timeframe also applies if they have had diarrhoea.

Holidays in term time

Term time holidays are strongly discouraged and will not be authorised, but you must still complete an absence request form which you can request from the School Office. Requested absence from school can only be authorised under exceptional circumstances.
