AIMS: To understand and learn about Easter and the traditions celebrated during this time.
To learn and develop vocabulary related to Easter.
To practise fine motor skills-pencil control while drawing patterns.
To learn vocabulary related to size e.g ‘Big’ and ‘small’ and colours.
To develop phonic knowledge.
To learn about Rabbits famous or otherwise.
To enjoy activities and games related to Easter and Rabbits.
EASTER STORY: Cbeebies has a wonderful story about Easter that is relatable to children of all ages. Click on the link below.
ACTIVITIES: For younger children this link is brilliant. It teaches vocabulary related to Easter and Easter traditions. It is a word game that children would enjoy learning and playing.
Children in Year 1 and 2 may like to further try the following work sheet. If you have printer you could print out the worksheet there is also a pdf of answers for you to check. Click on the link below for the worksheets.
The answers to this worksheet can be accessed on the link below.
ACTIVITY 1: Decorating eggs whether it be on paper or on the real thing is a fun way for younger children to practise controlling their pencil, drawing straight lines, zigzags, wavy lines and dots. This helps them for when they learn to write.
Draw an outline of an egg shape on paper for children to decorate. Why not begin a zigzag or wavy line for them to complete.
ACTIVITY 2: Colour dictation
Draw a series of small and big Easter eggs and dictate which colours should be used to fill them in.
Practise ‘Big’ and ‘small’ by dictating ‘colour the small egg blue’ or ‘colour the big egg pink and yellow’.
You can continue to build on patterns and colours as children learn to listen to instructions.
ACTIVITY 3: Cooking
If you’re feeling adventurous in the kitchen perhaps consider making your own hot cross buns with your children. I must admit I haven’t tried the recipe unlike the games! However, it would be lovely to see any photos of your baking skills.
Perhaps while baking you could sing and teach the traditional rhyme Hot cross Buns to your children.
Hot cross buns, hot cross buns, one a penny, two a penny, hot cross buns.
If you have no daughters give them to your sons, hot cross buns, hot cross buns.
THE Great Egg Hunt. Watch Sam and Pam and Tess at the great egg hunt adventure. How many times can you hear the sounds ‘g,o,c,k,e,u,r?’ were there lots of words with ‘g?’
Finally the fun part! The games that even I have enjoyed playing with Peter Rabbit and his friends. There are some printable activities as well.
Famous rabbit stories: Talk to your children about Bugs Bunny, Roger Rabbit, Miffy, Peter Rabbit etc. You can listen and read online some Peter Rabbit stories on this link.
Hope you enjoy the activities over the holidays, pace yourself and have fun too. Stay safe and stay at home.
From Mrs Mirza