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Reading Overview

Reading and Vocabulary

Our teaching focuses on the two dimensions to reading – ‘word recognition’ and ‘language comprehension’.


We have a sharp focus on high-quality phonics teaching, ensuring that children rapidly gain the crucial skill of word recognition that once mastered, enables them to read fluently, freeing them to concentrate on the meaning of the text, building their language comprehension skills.  


Children’s phonic progress is assessed regularly and is used to identify those who may be falling behind, allowing support to be given to ensure they keep up, not catch up.


Word Poverty Matters! 

  •        Evidence shows that vocabulary is one of the most significant factors to children achieving higher grades at GCSE in most subjects.
  •        The vocabulary gap starts early (by the age of 2) and is hugely significant.
  •        Children can have a 30-million-word gap before children even enter school.
  •        The link between vocabulary at 5-7 years old as a significant predictor of reading comprehension and academic understanding at GCSE.
  •        Less than 1/3 of children are read to at home daily. Children who are read to at home will hear 1.4 million ‘rare words’ yearly that improve language development and understanding.
  •        Children’s books have 50% rarer words than the language of television, or even the conversation of graduates.


Reading at home

Book Bag Books are closely matched to Read Write Inc. phonics work to reinforce classroom learning of phonics, helping children to make even faster progress in reading. Book Bag Books are part of the Read Write Inc. phonics programme used in Reception and Year 1. The programme is designed to create fluent readers, confident speakers and keen writers.
