Welcome to Priory Common School
(A partner school in the Inclusive Learning Federation)
We take Pride, we Care, we are Successful.
Executive Headteacher: Ms S Siva
Head of School: Mrs G Cash
We are very pleased to welcome you to our website. We hope you will find the information useful.
We are a busy but friendly school, with lots going on. This website aims to give you a taster of the school, as well as providing regular updated information for both families, friends and pupils.
Priory Common is an Infant school with Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 classes. There are 90 places available at our school. 30 places are available in Early Years and Year 1, with the remaining 30 places available in Year 2. As part of the Inclusive Learning Federation, we work closely with Bradwell Village School and Romans Field School. This has benefits for both children and staff.
We are all extremely proud of our school. We work hard to make children feel safe and happy. We believe this is how we can empower them to achieve their personal best.
The adults in school are a very friendly and hardworking team. As well as the Executive Headteacher and Head of School, there are three class teachers and a full complement of support staff fulfilling a wide range of roles. All our staff team are valued equally as we all have vital roles which make our school run effectively for the children.
We have a very supportive Governing Board who give up their time to support the leadership of the school.
The children enjoy coming to school. They demonstrate the school values daily in their actions and as a result behaviour is very good.
I hope that you enjoy your visit to our website, and that you find any information you are looking for. Please feel free to contact the school directly with any queries you may have.
Thank you for visiting!
Feel free to take a virtual tour: