Monday 30th March, 2020
Good morning,
This is your learning pack for the week. In your learning pack, there are lessons for Maths, English and cross-curricular activities.
Please remember that MyMaths is available to you at all times and on there are many additional learning challenges that we have set for you to be getting on with.
You could also use for some Maths games that you should be able to work on independently.
Remember when you are writing to use capital letters, simple and extended sentences, adjectives and full stops.
For your topic activities this week:
For science this week we will be learning about the different food groups and healthy/unhealthy.
There is a powerpoint presentations attached for you to look at : Food Groups. Work though the powerpoint and then use the template to create your own healthy meal plate.
There are 2 powerpoint presentations to work through, one is interactive. Once you have worked through these, use your daily diary to tell us how you are staying healthy.
At the end of the week, we would like you to send in any pictures of work that you have completed. The Community Rainbow pictures will be posted on our school website. Can you please send this back to the Owls email by Friday 3rd April.
We know that some of you may not have access to a printer, therefore you may complete the work onto plain paper or in your daily diary and then take photographs to send in of your completed work.
If you have any questions related to this work please reply back to this email and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
We will be checking and marking work over the weekend, therefore it is crucial that work is returned by Friday.
Many thanks and stay safe,
Miss Green