Dear Parents/Carers
Currently Priory Common is closed and the provision for the vulnerable children and the children of key workers is being kept under review. During this time, staff will continue to make welfare calls either on a daily or weekly basis to ensure you and your child has everything they need to continue their education. On a regular basis, we will also be uploading work and encouraging you to send us completed work to assess.
If you are having difficulty accessing this information, please drop us an email so that we can, if necessary, make alternative arrangements.
Our children who are eligible for free school meals should now have been contacted. If this is not the case, please contact us via email or mention it when a member of staff makes the welfare call.
Today we have uploaded some links which may be of use to the children and families who may be experiencing difficulties. I would encourage you to use these links, as well as discussing any difficulties with the staff during the welfare call.
These are extraordinary times for us all and changes are being made on a daily basis. If you need to, please use the support we are offering.
Keep safe.
Diane Elleman
Executive Headteacher